Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cheerful
Pinyin TAN2 DAN4 Jyutping taam4 On TAN TEN NEN EN Kun UREERU
IRG South Korea 2-325C

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a kind of water-beetle cash , then dollars and money generally
Pinyin FU2 Jyutping fu4 On HU BU Hangul Korean PWU Viet phù
CNS 11643-1986 2-325C CNS 11643-1992 2-325C IRG Taiwan 2-325C

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a kind of water-beetle cash , then dollars and money generally
Pinyin Jyutping fu4 On FU BU Hangul : 1N Korean PWU Viet phù
CNS 11643-1986 2-325C CNS 11643-1992 2-325C

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