Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to depend on ; to lean to ; to rely on ; by means of , to follow the old or traditional ( practices , customs , precedents , etc .), to receive and carry on ; to continue ; to succeed to
Jyutping zaan1 zaan5
Hanyu Da Zidian Pinyin 31869.060 : yīn

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to depend on ; to lean to ; to rely on ; by means of , to follow the old or traditional ( practices , customs , precedents , etc .), to receive and carry on ; to continue ; to succeed to
Pinyin yīn Jyutping zaan1 zaan5
Hanyu Da Zidian Pinyin 31869.060 : yīn

Records 1 - 2 of 2 retrieved in 66 ms