Unicode 5.2
Character Definition still , but ; decline ; retreat
Pinyin QUE4 Jyutping koek3 On KYAKU Kun SHIRIZOKU SHIRIZOKERU KAETTE Hangul Korean KAK Tang *kiɑk
Traditional U+537B
Karlgren: Analytic Dictionary of Chinese and Sino- 506A

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition leg , foot ; base , leg , foundation
Pinyin JIAO3 JUE2 Jyutping goek3 On KYAKU KYA Kun ASHI Hangul Korean KAK Tang giɑk
Traditional U+8173
Karlgren: Analytic Dictionary of Chinese and Sino- 506A

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition foot ; base , leg , foundation
Pinyin JIAO3 JUE2 Jyutping goek3 Tang giɑk
Simplified U+811A
Karlgren: Analytic Dictionary of Chinese and Sino- 506A

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition water ; radical number 85
KPS 10721-2000 506A

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition compel , pressure , force ; bother
Pinyin BI1 Jyutping bik1 On HIYOKU HIKI HUKU Kun SEMARU MUKABAKI Hangul Korean PHIP Viet bức
Unicode Code Point 506A

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition still , but ; decline ; retreat
Pinyin què Jyutping koek3 On KYAKU Kun SHIRIZOKU SHIRIZOKERU KAETTE Hangul : 0E Korean KAK Tang *kiɑk
Traditional U+537B
Karlgren: Analytic Dictionary of Chinese and Sino- 506A

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition leg , foot ; base , leg , foundation
Pinyin jiǎo Jyutping goek3 On KYAKU KYA Kun ASHI Hangul : 0E Korean KAK Tang giɑk
Traditional U+8173
Karlgren: Analytic Dictionary of Chinese and Sino- 506A

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition water ; radical number 85
Pinyin shui Jyutping seoi2 Kun SANZUI
KPS 10721-2000 506A

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition compel , pressure , force ; bother
Pinyin Jyutping bik1 On HIYOKU HIKI FUKU Kun SEMARU MUKABAKI Hangul : 1N Korean PHIP Viet bức
Unicode Code Point 506A

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition foot ; base , leg , foundation
Pinyin jiǎo Jyutping goek3 Tang giɑk
Simplified U+811A
Karlgren: Analytic Dictionary of Chinese and Sino- 506A

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