Unicode 5.2
Character Definition stupid ; clumsy ; ( Cant .) to dirty , defile
Jyutping nan2
Cangjie Input Code HLP

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition stupid ; clumsy ; ( Cant .) to dirty , defile
Jyutping nan2
Cangjie Input Code HLP

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition snore loudly ; very , extremely
Pinyin HOU1 HOU2 Jyutping hau1 On KOU KU KO Kun KAGIBANA

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition snore loudly ; very , extremely
Pinyin hōu Jyutping hau1 On KOU KU KO Kun KAGIBANA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) a pustule or pimple
Pinyin PAO4 Jyutping paau3

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( same as ) a pustule or pimple
Pinyin pào Jyutping paau3

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