JMdict 100319
Word 三人組
Reading さんにんぐみ
Translation eng trio ; gang of three ; threesome Translation ger Trio ; dreiköpfige Gruppe

JMdict 200217
Word 三人組 ; 3人組
Reading さんにんぐみ
Translation hun hármas ; trió Translation spa trío
Translation eng trio ; gang of three ; threesome Translation ger Trio ; dreiköpfige Gruppe Translation rus группа из трёх человек , тройка

JMdict 200217
Word 三頭筋
Reading さんとうきん
Translation dut triceps {anat .} ; driehoofdige strekspier Translation hun deltaizom ; háromfejű izom ; triceps
Translation eng triceps Translation ger Trizeps ; dreiköpfiger Muskel ; Musculus triceps

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