Unicode 12.1
Character Definition neon
Pinyin nǎi Jyutping naai5

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition deuterium
Pinyin DAO1 Jyutping dou1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition deuterium
Pinyin dāo Jyutping dou1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition air , gas , steam , vapor ; spirit
Pinyin QI4 On KI KE Kun IKI Korean KI
Variant U+6C23

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition air , gas , steam , vapor ; spirit
Pinyin On KI KE Kun IKI Korean KI
Variant U+6C23

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin qi4 Reading On キ ; ケ Reading Kun いき Reading Korean gi Reading Korean
Meaning spirit ; mind ; air ; atmosphere ; mood Meaning fr esprit ; air ; atmosphère ; humeur Meaning es espíritu ; mente Meaning pt espírito ; mente

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin qi4 Reading On キ ; ケ Reading Kun いき Reading Korean gi Reading Korean
Meaning spirit ; mind ; air ; atmosphere ; mood Meaning fr esprit ; air ; atmosphère ; humeur Meaning es espíritu ; mente Meaning pt espírito ; mente

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition xenon
Pinyin XIAN1 Jyutping saan1 sin1 On SEN

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xian1 Reading On セン

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition xenon
Pinyin xiān Jyutping saan1 sin1 On SEN

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin xian1 Reading On セン

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition gas , vapor , air
Pinyin FEN1 Jyutping fan1 On FUN Kun KI WAZAWAI Hangul Korean PWUN Tang piən

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin fen1 Reading On フン Reading Korean bun Reading Korean
Meaning air ; atmosphere ; weather

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition gas , vapor , air
Pinyin fēn Jyutping fan1 On FUN Kun KI WAZAWAI Hangul : 1N Korean PWUN Tang piən

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin fen1 Reading On フン Reading Korean bun Reading Korean
Meaning air ; atmosphere ; weather

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition clear , bright ; the sun ; heat pertaining to this world ; superior ; upper ; front
Pinyin RI4

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition clear , bright ; the sun ; heat pertaining to this world ; superior ; upper ; front
Pinyin yáng Jyutping joeng4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition phosphorus
Pinyin LIN2 Jyutping leon4 On RIN Kun ONIBI Hangul Korean LIN Viet lân
Variant U+F9EE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition phosphorus
Pinyin LIN4 LIN2 Jyutping leon4 On RIN Hangul Korean LIN

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition phosphorus
Pinyin lín Jyutping leon4 On RIN Kun ONIBI Hangul : 0N :0 Korean LIN Viet lân
Variant U+F9EE

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition phosphorus
Pinyin lín Jyutping leon4 On RIN Hangul : 1N Korean LIN

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition select , choose ; surname
Pinyin LIN2 LIN4 Jyutping leon4 On RIN Kun YUONAYAMU Viet lận

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition select , choose ; surname
Pinyin lín Jyutping leon4 On RIN Kun YUONAYAMU Viet lận

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition female of Chinese unicorn
Pinyin LIN2 Jyutping leon4 On RIN Hangul Korean LIN Tang *lin Viet lân
Variant U+F9F3

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition female of Chinese unicorn
Pinyin lín Jyutping leon4 On RIN Hangul : 0N :0 Korean LIN Tang *lin Viet lân
Variant U+F9F3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition precipitous
Pinyin LIN2 Jyutping leon4 On RIN Hangul Korean LIN

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition precipitous
Pinyin lín Jyutping leon4 On RIN Hangul : 1N Korean LIN

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition luster of jade
Pinyin LIN2 Jyutping leon4 On RIN Hangul Korean LIN
Variant U+F9EF

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition luster of jade
Pinyin lín Jyutping leon4 On RIN Hangul : 0N :0 Korean LIN
Variant U+F9EF

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition phosphorus ; water rushing between
Pinyin LIN2 LIN4 LIN3 LING2 Jyutping leon4 leon6 On RIN ROU RYOU Kun NAGARERU Hangul Korean LIN Viet co lân

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition phosphorus ; water rushing between
Pinyin lín Jyutping leon4 leon6 On RIN ROU RYOU Kun NAGARERU Hangul : 1N Korean LIN Viet co lân

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rumbling of vehicles ; threshold
Pinyin LIN2 LIN4 Jyutping leon4 On RIN Kun HIBIKI Hangul Korean LIN Tang lin
Simplified U+8F9A

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition rumbling of vehicles ; threshold
Pinyin lín Jyutping leon4 On RIN Kun HIBIKI Hangul : 1N Korean LIN Tang lin
Simplified U+8F9A

Records 101 - 133 of 133 retrieved in 498 ms