
CEDict 100318
Traditional 吃虧 Simplified 吃亏
Pinyin chi1 kui1
English to suffer losses ; to come to grief ; to lose out ; to get the worst of it ; to be at a disadvantage ; unfortunately

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 吃虧 Simplified 吃亏
Pinyin chi1 kui1
English to suffer losses ; to come to grief ; to lose out ; to get the worst of it ; to be at a disadvantage ; unfortunately

CEDict 100318
Traditional 吃虧上當 Simplified 吃亏上当
Pinyin chi1 kui1 shang4 dang4
English to be taken advantage of

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 吃虧上當 Simplified 吃亏上当
Pinyin chi1 kui1 shang4 dang4
English to be taken advantage of

Records 1 - 4 of 4 retrieved in 133 ms