
CEDict 100318
Traditional 束之高閣 Simplified 束之高阁
Pinyin shu4 zhi1 gao1 ge2
English tied up in a bundle on a high shelf ; to put sth on the back burner ; no longer a high priority

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 束之高閣 Simplified 束之高阁
Pinyin shu4 zhi1 gao1 ge2
Deutsch etwas ad acta legen (u.E.) (V, Sprichw )

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 束之高閣 Simplified 束之高阁
Pinyin shu4 zhi1 gao1 ge2
Deutsch etwas ad acta legen (V, Sprichw )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 束之高閣 Simplified 束之高阁
Pinyin shu4 zhi1 gao1 ge2
English tied up in a bundle on a high shelf ; to put sth on the back burner ; no longer a high priority

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