
JMdict 100319
Word 獅子座
Reading ししざ
Translation eng ( constellation ) Leo ; the Lion ; Buddha's seat ; seat of a high monk Translation ger {Astron ., Astrol .} Löwe ; Leo ; ( Sternbild u. Sternzeichen )
Crossref 獅子の座

JMdict 100319
Word 獅子の座
Reading ししのざ
Translation eng Buddha's seat ; seat of a high monk
Crossref 獅子の座

JMdict 200217
Word しし座 ; 獅子座
Reading ししざ
Translation dut {astron . ; astrol .} Leeuw ; Leo Translation slv lev Translation spa ( constelación ) Leo
Translation eng Buddha's seat ; seat of a high monk ; Leo ( constellation ) ; the Lion Translation ger Löwe ; Leo ( Sternbild u. Sternzeichen ) Translation rus (( англ .) Leo ) ( астр ., астрол .) Лев ( созвездие и знак зодиака ).) ; 1) созвездие Льва ; 2) ( буд .) трон будды ; кресло архиепископа
Crossref 獅子の座

JMdict 200217
Word 獅子の座
Reading ししのざ
Translation eng Buddha's seat ; seat of a high monk

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