
Unicode 5.2
Character Definition helmet , headpiece ; descendant
Pinyin ZHOU4 Jyutping zau6 On CHUU Kun YOTSUGI CHISUJI Hangul Korean CWU Viet trụ
Variant U+5191

JMdict 100319
Word ; ; ;
Reading かぶと
Translation eng helmet ( of armor , armour ) ; headpiece Translation ger Helm

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin zhou4
English helmet ; descendants

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin zhou4
Deutsch Helm , Sturmhaube ( hist .) (u.E.) (S, Mil )

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin zhou4
Deutsch Helm , Kopfschutz (u.E.) (S); Bsp .: 甲冑 甲胄 -- Rüstung und Hlem ; Nachfahren vom Adel , Nachkommen vom Adel , Abkömmlinge vom Adel (u.E.) (S) ; Nachfahren , Nachkommen , Abkömmlinge (u.E.) (S)

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin zhou4 Reading On チュウ Reading Kun かぶと ; ちすじ ; よつぎ Reading Korean ju Reading Korean
Meaning lineage ; bloodline

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition helmet , headpiece ; descendant
Pinyin zhòu Jyutping zau6 On CHUU Kun YOTSUGI CHISUJI Hangul :0 Korean CWU Viet trụ
Variant U+5191

JMdict 200217
Word ; ; ;
Reading かぶと
Translation dut kabuto ; samoeraihelm ; helm ; hoofdijzer Translation hun sisak ; fejezetdísz
Translation eng helmet ( of a warrior ) ; headpiece Translation ger Helm ( einer Rüstung ) Translation rus шлем ; каска

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin zhou4 Reading On チュウ Reading Kun かぶと ; ちすじ ; よつぎ Reading Korean ju Reading Korean
Meaning lineage ; bloodline

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin zhou4
English helmet ; descendants

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin zhou4
Deutsch Helm , Sturmhaube ( hist .) (S, Mil )

HanDeDict 200217

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin zhou4
Variant [ zhou4 ]

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin zhou4
Variant | [ zhou4 ]

CEDict 100318
Traditional 胄甲 Simplified 胄甲
Pinyin zhou4 jia3
English helmet and armor

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 胄甲 Simplified 胄甲
Pinyin zhou4 jia3
English helmet and armor

JMnedict 100319
Word 胄山
Reading かぶとやま Romaji Kabutoyama

JMnedict 200217
Word 胄山
Reading かぶとやま Romaji Kabutoyama

CEDict 100318
Traditional 胄裔 Simplified 胄裔
Pinyin zhou4 yi4
English distant progeny

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 胄裔 Simplified 胄裔
Pinyin zhou4 yi4
English distant progeny

CEDict 100318
Traditional 胄裔繁衍 Simplified 胄裔繁衍
Pinyin zhou4 yi4 fan2 yan3
English Descendants are great in numbers . ( idiom )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 胄裔繁衍 Simplified 胄裔繁衍
Pinyin zhou4 yi4 fan2 yan3
English Descendants are great in numbers . ( idiom )

JMnedict 100319
Word 胄中
Reading かぶちゅう Romaji Kabuchuu

JMnedict 200217
Word 胄中
Reading かぶちゅう Romaji Kabuchuu

CEDict 100318
Traditional 胄子 Simplified 胄子
Pinyin zhou4 zi3
English eldest son

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 胄子 Simplified 胄子
Pinyin zhou4 zi3
English eldest son

Records 1 - 26 of 26 retrieved in 572 ms