
JMdict 100319
Word 褒めちぎる ; 誉めちぎる
Reading ほめちぎる
Translation eng to praise ( to the skies ) ; to sing the praises ( of ) ; to extol Translation ger jmdn . in den Himmel loben ; jmdn . in den höchsten Tönen loben

JMdict 200217
Word 褒めちぎる ; 誉めちぎる
Reading ほめちぎる
Translation hun dicsér ; dicsőít ; magasztal
Translation eng to praise ( to the skies ) ; to sing the praises ( of ) ; to extol Translation ger jmdn . in den Himmel loben ; jmdn . in den höchsten Tönen loben Translation rus ( см .) ほめたてる

JMdict 200217
Word 褒め上げる ; 誉め上げる
Reading ほめあげる
Translation hun egekig magasztal
Translation eng to praise to the skies ; to extol Translation ger sehr loben ; lobpreisen Translation fre complimenter ; faire l'éloge ; glorifier ; louer Translation rus ( см .) ほめたてる
Crossref 褒めちぎる・ほめちぎる

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