
JMdict 100319
Word 三枚 ; 3枚
Reading さんまい
Translation eng three flat objects (e.g. tickets , pieces of cloth , etc .) ; filleting (a fish ) Translation ger Filet ; ( bestimmte Schneideweise für Fisch ) ; drei Blatt ; ( Papier )

JMdict 200217
Word 三枚 ; 3枚
Reading さんまい
Translation hun komédia ; vígjáték Translation spa tres objetos planos ( ej . boletos , trozos de tela , etc .) ; fileteando ( un pescado ) Translation swe lustspel
Translation eng three flat objects ( sheets of paper , pieces of cloth , etc .) ; cutting a fish into two boneless fillets and a piece with the skeleton Translation ger drei Blatt ; drei flache Dinge ; Filet ( bestimmte Schneideweise für Fisch )
Crossref 枚・まい・1

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