Unicode 5.2
Character Definition resist , oppose , defy , reject
Pinyin KANG4 KANG2 Jyutping kong3 On KOU Kun ATARU FUSEGU Hangul Korean HANG Tang kɑ̀ng Viet kháng
IRG Japan 0-3933

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition collect , bring together
Pinyin LONG3 Jyutping lung5 On ROU RU Kun TORU Hangul Korean LONG Tang lǔng Viet long
Simplified U+62E2
IRG Vietnam 0-3933

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition hook , barb ; sickle ; stroke with
Pinyin GOU1 Jyutping gau1 ngau1
Traditional U+920E U+9264 Variant U+9264
IRG PRC and Singapore 0-3933

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