Unicode 5.2
Character Definition agate ; cornelian
Pinyin MA3 Jyutping maa5
Traditional U+746A
IRG PRC and Singapore 0-426A

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition marsh , swamp ; wild country ; clump of trees or bushes
Pinyin SOU3 SHU2 COU4 Jyutping sau2 On SOU Kun YABU Hangul Korean SWU Viet
Simplified U+85AE Variant U+7C54
IRG Vietnam 0-426A

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition forehead ; title , headline ; theme
Pinyin TI2 DI4 Jyutping tai4 On DAI Kun HITAI Hangul Korean CEY Tang *dhei
Simplified U+9898
IRG Japan 0-426A

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