Unicode 5.2
Character Definition add to , increase , augment
Pinyin JIA1 Jyutping gaa1 gaa3 On KA Kun KUWAERU KUWAWARU KUWAETE Hangul Korean KA Tang ga Viet gia
IRG South Korea 0-4A25

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition holy , sacred
Pinyin SHENG4 KU1 Jyutping sing3 On KUTSU KOCHI SEI Kun TAGAYASU Viet thánh
Traditional U+8056
IRG PRC and Singapore 0-4A25

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition gulf , abyss , deep
Pinyin YUAN1 Jyutping jyun1 On EN Kun FUCHI Hangul Korean YEN Viet uyên
Simplified U+6E0A
IRG Japan 0-4A25

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