Unicode 5.2
Character Definition nation , country , nation-state
Pinyin GUO2 On KOKU Kun KUNI Korean KWUK
Variant U+570B
IRG Japan 0-537B

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a load carried on the shoulders ; to carry
Pinyin TIAO1 TIAO3 TAO1 Jyutping tiu1 tiu5 tou1 On CHOU TOU Kun KAKAGERU IDOMU Hangul Korean TO CO Tang dheu teu Viet vẹo
IRG South Korea 0-537B

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition desire , want , long for ; intend
Pinyin YU4 Jyutping juk6 On YOKU Kun HOSSURU HOSHII Hangul Korean YOK Tang *iok Viet dục
Variant U+617E
IRG PRC and Singapore 0-537B

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