Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cold , cool ; lonely
Pinyin LENG3 Jyutping laang5 On REI Kun HIERU TSUMETAI SAMERU Hangul Korean LAYNG Tang *læ̌ng læ̌ng Viet lạnh
Variant U+F92E
IRG South Korea 0-5552

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition widow
Pinyin SHUANG1 Jyutping soeng1 sung1 On SOU Kun YAMOME Hangul Korean SANG
IRG Japan 0-5552

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition search , seek , look for ; find
Pinyin ZHAO3 Jyutping zaau2 On KA GE SOU Kun SAOSASU TAZUNERU Hangul Korean CO Viet quơ
IRG PRC and Singapore 0-5552

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