Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cold and raw ; pure , clear
Pinyin LIE4 Jyutping lit6 On RETSU REI Kun SAMUI TSUMETAI Hangul Korean LYEL Viet rét
Variant U+6D0C
IRG PRC and Singapore 0-597D

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ask ( about ), inquire after
Pinyin WEN4 Jyutping man6 On MON BUN Kun TOU TON Hangul Korean MWUN Tang *miə̀n
Simplified U+95EE
IRG South Korea 0-597D

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition scoop out of water ; dredge , fish
Pinyin LAO1 Jyutping laau4 lou1 lou4 On ROU RYOU Kun SUKUIAGE TORU Hangul Korean LO Viet lau
Simplified U+635E
IRG Japan 0-597D

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