Unicode 5.2
Character Definition help , assist ; defend ; shoe upper
Pinyin BANG1 Jyutping bong1 On HOU Kun TASUKERU Hangul Korean PANG
Variant U+5E6B
IRG South Korea 0-5B2C

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition light of crescent moon
Pinyin FEI3 PEI4 Jyutping fei2 On HI HAI HOTSU Kun MIKAZUKI KURAI OROKA Viet xoét
IRG Japan 0-5B2C

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition name of fief in Shantong bestowed on the eldest son of Wen Wang
Pinyin GAO4 Jyutping gou3 On KOU KOKU Hangul Korean KO Tang gɑ̀u
IRG PRC and Singapore 0-5B2C

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