Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sound of cat , cat's meow ; meter ; ( Cant .) don't!
Pinyin MI1 Jyutping mai1 mai5 mai6 On BI BEI Kun MEETORU Korean MI
IRG PRC and Singapore 0-5F64

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition dry over slow fire ; bake ; roast
Pinyin BEI4 Jyutping bui6 On HOU HAI HOI Kun ABURU Hangul Korean PAY Viet vùi
IRG Japan 0-5F64

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition color , tint , hue , shade ; form , body ; beauty , desire for beauty
Pinyin SE4 SHAI3 Jyutping sik1 On SHOKU SHIKI Kun IRO Hangul Korean SAYK Tang *shriək Viet sắc
IRG South Korea 0-5F64

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