Unicode 5.2
Character Definition smile at ; sneer at
Pinyin SHEN3 YIN3 Jyutping can2 On SHIN Kun HOHOEMU AZAWARAU Korean SIN Viet dặn
KangXi 0179.030 KangXi position 0179.030

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition smile at ; sneer at
Pinyin yǐn Jyutping can2 On SHIN Kun HOHOEMU AZAWARAU Korean SIN Viet dặn
KangXi 0179.030 KangXi position 0179.030

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition hubs of wheel ; converge around
Pinyin COU4 Jyutping cau3
Traditional U+8F33

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition hubs of wheel ; converge around
Pinyin còu Jyutping cau3
Traditional U+8F33

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