Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to suck , to smack the lips ; ( Cant .) to cheat
Pinyin ZA1 Jyutping sap1 zaap3 On SOU Kun SUU Korean CAP Viet táp
Dae Jaweon, 1988 0403.050
IRG Dae Jaweon 0403.050

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to dislike , to abhor , to hate
Pinyin DUI4 Jyutping deoi6 On TAI ZUI DAI Kun URAMU
KangXi 0403.050 KangXi position 0403.050

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to suck , to smack the lips ; ( Cant .) to cheat
Pinyin Jyutping sap1 zaap3 On SOU Kun SUU Korean CAP Viet táp
Dae Jaweon, 1988 0403.050
IRG Dae Jaweon 0403.050

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to dislike , to abhor , to hate
Pinyin duì Jyutping deoi6 On TAI ZUI DAI Kun URAMU
KangXi 0403.050 KangXi position 0403.050

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cut , cut flesh from bones
Pinyin GUA3 Jyutping waa2
Traditional U+526E

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition cut , cut flesh from bones
Pinyin guǎ Jyutping waa2
Traditional U+526E

Records 1 - 6 of 6 retrieved in 46 ms