Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to walk
Pinyin QI4 Jyutping cap1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to move the mind ; agitated ; nervous ; to start thinking , to rest ; to cease , intelligent , strange ; uncanny , light aspirations ro ambitions for ...
Pinyin XI2 Jyutping cap3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition loquacious , to break into a conversation , an irrelevant episode
Pinyin ZHA3 Jyutping cap3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition extend ; reach ; come up to ; and
Pinyin JI2 Jyutping gap6 kap6 On KYUU Kun OYOBU OYOBI OYOBOSU Hangul Korean KUP Tang *ghyip Viet cập

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to whisper . to blame to slander
Pinyin QI4 Jyutping cap1 On SHUU YUU Kun SASAYAKU SOSHIRU Hangul Korean CIP Viet nghiện

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition quick , quickly ; urgent , pressing
Pinyin JI2 Jyutping gap1 On KYUU Kun ISOGU Hangul Korean KUP Tang *gyip Viet cấp

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to put away ; to cease ; store up
Pinyin JI2 Jyutping cap1 On SHUU Kun OSAMERU Hangul Korean CIP Tang jrip

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition many
Pinyin JI2 Jyutping cap1 On SHUU SOU JOU Kun YAWARAGU Viet xắp

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bamboo box used carry books
Pinyin JI2 Jyutping kap1 On KYUU Kun OI Hangul Korean KUP Viet cặp

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition level , rank , class ; grade
Pinyin JI2 Jyutping kap1 On KYUU Kun SHINA Hangul Korean KUP Viet cấp
Simplified U+7EA7

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition give ; by , for
Pinyin GEI3 JI3 XIA2 Jyutping kap1 On KYUU KYOU Kun TAMAU Hangul Korean KUP Tang gyip Viet cấp
Simplified U+7ED9

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to join , to splice , to braid
Pinyin QIE4 JI1 QI1 QI4 Jyutping cap1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to sew in close stitches
Pinyin JI1 QI4 QI1 JI2 Jyutping cap1 On SHUU Kun TSUMUGU Hangul Korean CIP CUP
Simplified U+7F09

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to sew in close stitches
Pinyin QI4 JI1 QI1 Jyutping cap1
Traditional U+7DDD

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition thatch ; fix , repair ; pile up
Pinyin QI4 Jyutping cap1 On SHUU Kun FUKU FUKI Hangul Korean CUP

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin JI2 QIE4 Jyutping cap1 On SHUU SHOU Kun DOKUDAMI Hangul Korean CUP

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition gather up , collect ; edit , compile
Pinyin JI2 Jyutping cap1 On SHUU Kun ATSUMERU YAWARAGU Hangul Korean CIP
Simplified U+8F91

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition gather up , collect ; edit , compile
Pinyin JI2 Jyutping cap1
Traditional U+8F2F

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠎨
Viet cắp

Unicode 5.2
Character 𢲩 Definition ( Cant .) to affix a chop or seal to a document
Jyutping kap1 Viet cắp

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥝥
Viet cặp

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to walk
Pinyin Jyutping cap1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to move the mind ; agitated ; nervous ; to start thinking , to rest ; to cease , intelligent , strange ; uncanny , light aspirations or ambitions for ...
Pinyin chè Jyutping cap3

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition loquacious , to break into a conversation , an irrelevant episode
Pinyin zhǎ Jyutping cap3

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition extend ; reach ; come up to ; and
Pinyin Jyutping gap6 kap6 On KYUU Kun OYOBU OYOBI OYOBOSU Hangul : 0E Korean KUP Tang *ghyip Viet cập

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to whisper . to blame to slander
Pinyin Jyutping cap1 On SHUU YUU Kun SASAYAKU SOSHIRU Hangul : 1N Korean CIP Viet nghiện

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition quick , quickly ; urgent , pressing
Pinyin Jyutping gap1 On KYUU Kun ISOGU Hangul : 0E Korean KUP Tang *gyip Viet cấp

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to put away ; to cease ; store up
Pinyin Jyutping cap1 On SHUU Kun OSAMERU Hangul : 1N Korean CIP Tang jrip

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition many
Pinyin Jyutping cap1 On SHUU SOU JOU Kun YAWARAGU Viet xắp

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition bamboo box used carry books
Pinyin Jyutping kap1 On KYUU Kun OI Hangul : 1N Korean KUP Viet cặp

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition level , rank , class ; grade
Pinyin Jyutping kap1 On KYUU Kun SHINA Hangul : 0E Korean KUP Viet cấp
Simplified U+7EA7

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition give ; by , for
Pinyin gěi Jyutping kap1 On KYUU KYOU Kun TAMAU Hangul : 0E Korean KUP Tang gyip Viet cấp
Simplified U+7ED9

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to join , to splice , to braid
Pinyin qiè Jyutping cap1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to sew in close stitches
Pinyin Jyutping cap1 On SHUU Kun TSUMUGU Hangul : 0N Korean CIP CUP
Simplified U+7F09

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to sew in close stitches
Pinyin Jyutping cap1
Traditional U+7DDD

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition thatch ; fix , repair ; pile up
Pinyin Jyutping cap1 On SHUU Kun FUKU FUKI Hangul : 0N Korean CUP

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin Jyutping cap1 On SHUU SHOU Kun DOKUDAMI Hangul : 1N Korean CUP

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition gather up , collect ; edit , compile
Pinyin Jyutping cap1 On SHUU Kun ATSUMERU YAWARAGU Hangul : 0N Korean CIP
Simplified U+8F91

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition gather up , collect ; edit , compile
Pinyin Jyutping cap1
Traditional U+8F2F

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin chì Jyutping cap1 Viet rợp

Unicode 12.1
Character 𠎨
Viet cắp

Unicode 12.1
Character 𢲩 Definition ( Cant .) to affix a chop or seal to a document
Jyutping kap1 Viet cắp

Unicode 12.1
Character 𥝥
Pinyin jié Viet cặp

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cap worn during the Yin dynasty
Pinyin XU3 Jyutping heoi2 On KU Korean HWU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition full circle ; encircle
Pinyin ZA1 Jyutping zaap3 On SOU Kun MEGURU Korean CAP Viet táp

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition card , punch card ; calorie
Pinyin QIA3 KA3 Jyutping kaa1 kaa2 kaat1 On SAHU SA KA ZOU SOU Hangul Korean CAP

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to suck , to smack the lips ; ( Cant .) to cheat
Pinyin ZA1 Jyutping sap1 zaap3 On SOU Kun SUU Korean CAP Viet táp

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin SHA4 DIE2 Jyutping dip6 saap3 On SOU SHOU Korean CAP SAP CHEY

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to play ( on an instrument ); to accompany ; to banter , jeer
Pinyin CA4 On SOU Kun HAYASHI HAYASU Hangul Korean CAP

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition wink
Pinyin ZHA3 Jyutping zaam2 zaap3 On SOU SHOU Kun MATATAKU Hangul Korean CAP

Records 1 - 50 of 216 retrieved in 1651 ms