Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) to carve ; to engrave ; to cut ; to oppress , a sickle
Pinyin QIE4 Jyutping kit3 Viet khía

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to whisper ; to talk in a soft and low voice
Pinyin QIE4 Jyutping caai3 cam1 saam6

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition used in girl's name , ( same as ) a concubine , ( in old China ) a polite term used by a woman to refer to herself when speaking to her husband
Pinyin QIE4 QIN2 SHEN3 SHEN4 Jyutping san1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to think ; to contemplate ; to consider , to pant because of fear
Pinyin QIE4 QU4 Jyutping hap6 hip3

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sunset
Pinyin QIE4 Jyutping cip3 zip3

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition greed ; avarice , to blow off
Pinyin QIE4 Jyutping hap6 hau3 liu4 liu6 sap3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) lacking in courage ; cowardly , nervous ; socially timid ; fright
Pinyin QIE4 QUE4 Jyutping hip3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( interchangeable ) to be weaked by disease ; weak ; feeble , lean ; emaciated , illness ; disease ; sick
Pinyin QIE4 Jyutping hip3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition weak breath of a sick man
Pinyin QIE4 Jyutping fan2 hip3 keoi1 koek3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to stagger ; to fall ; to drop ; to stumble
Pinyin QIE4 Jyutping caai3

Unicode 5.2
Character 䤿 Definition ( same as ) to carve ; to cut , a sickle
Pinyin QIE4 Jyutping hiu3 kit3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a gale ; a gust of swift wind
Pinyin QIE4 SHA4 Jyutping saap3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a trunk ; a portfolio
Pinyin QIE4 On KYOU Kun HAKO Hangul Korean HYEP

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition concubine
Pinyin QIE4 Jyutping cip3 On SHOU Kun MEKAKE WARAWA Hangul Korean CHEP Tang *tsziɛp Viet thiếp

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition lacking in courage , afraid
Pinyin QIE4 Jyutping hip3 On KYOU Kun OBIERU OJIRU Hangul Korean KEP Tang *kiæp Viet khiếp

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin QIE4 Hangul Korean HYEP

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition be satisfied , be comfortable
Pinyin QIE4 Jyutping hip3
Traditional U+611C

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition be satisfied , be comfortable
Pinyin QIE4 Jyutping hip3 hip6 On KYOU Kun KOKOROYOI Hangul Korean HYEP Tang kep
Simplified U+60EC

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition assist , help , lead by hand
Pinyin QIE4 QI4 Jyutping kit3 On KETSU KEI Kun HITSUSAGERU Korean SEL KYEY

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition brave
Pinyin QIE4 Jyutping kit3 On KETSU KECHI KOCHI Kun SARU Hangul Korean KEL

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin QIE4 Viet thiếp

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin QIE4 On SHOU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition secretly , stealthily ; steal ; thief
Pinyin QIE4 Jyutping sit3 On SETSU Kun NUSUMU HISOKANI Hangul Korean CEL
Traditional U+7ACA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition secretly , stealthily ; steal ; thief
Pinyin QIE4 Jyutping sit3 On SETSU Kun NUSUMU HISOKANI Hangul Korean CEL Tang *tset
Simplified U+7A83

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin QIE4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rattan box , suitcase , or case
Pinyin QIE4 Jyutping haap6
Traditional U+7BCB

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ratton box , suitcase , or case
Pinyin QIE4 Jyutping haap6 On KYOU Kun HAKO Hangul Korean HYEP Tang kep
Simplified U+7BA7

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to join , to splice , to braid
Pinyin QIE4 JI1 QI1 QI4 Jyutping cap1

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin QIE4

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin QIE4

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin QIE4 Jyutping cip3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sickle ; cut , carve , engrave
Pinyin QIE4 Jyutping kit3 On KETSU KECHI KEI Kun KAMA KIZAMU
Simplified U+9532

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sickle ; cut , carve , engrave
Pinyin QIE4 Jyutping kit3
Traditional U+9365

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin QIE4 Jyutping cip3

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin qie4
English definitely ; absolutely ( not ) ; to grind ; close to ; eager ; to correspond to ; see also 反切 | 反切 [ fan3 qie4 ]

CEDict 100318
Traditional 切中 Simplified 切中
Pinyin qie4 zhong4
English to hit the target ( esp . in argument ) ; to strike home

CEDict 100318

CEDict 100318
Traditional 切中時病 Simplified 切中时病
Pinyin qie4 zhong4 shi2 bing4
English to hit the target where it hurts ( idiom ); fig . to hit home ; to hit the nail on the head ( in an argument )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 切分信息 Simplified 切分信息
Pinyin qie4 fen1 xin4 xi1
English segmental information

CEDict 100318
Traditional 切切 Simplified 切切
Pinyin qie4 qie4
English urgently ; eagerly ; worried ; ( urge sb to ) be sure to ; it is absolutely essential to ( follow the above instruction )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 切切私語 Simplified 切切私语
Pinyin qie4 qie4 si1 yu3
English a private whisper

CEDict 100318
Traditional 切勿 Simplified 切勿
Pinyin qie4 wu4
English by no means

CEDict 100318
Traditional 切口 Simplified 切口
Pinyin qie4 kou3
English slang ; argot ; private language used as secret code

CEDict 100318
Traditional 切合 Simplified 切合
Pinyin qie4 he2
English to fit in with ; to suit ; appropriate

CEDict 100318

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