Unicode 5.2
Character 𡮦 Definition worn out , spoiled
Pinyin ZAO1

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 手沢
Reading しゅたく
Translation eng worn or soiled with handling Translation ger speckiger Glanz an Dingen , die man lange besitzt ; Lieblingsbuch ; ( Abk .)

JMdict 100319
Word 着崩れ
Reading きくずれ
Translation eng worn out of shape Translation ger Verrutschen ; ( von Kleidung )

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Reading おぞい
Translation eng crude ; inferior grade ; worn ; ragged ; shameful ; sly ; clever ; disgusting ; repulsive ; absurd

CEDict 100318
Traditional 人困馬乏 Simplified 人困马乏
Pinyin ren2 kun4 ma3 fa2
English riders tired and horses weary ; worn out ; exhausted ; spent ; fatigued

CEDict 100318
Traditional 倦怠 Simplified 倦怠
Pinyin juan4 dai4
English worn out ; exhausted ; dispirited

CEDict 100318
Traditional 勞累 Simplified 劳累
Pinyin lao2 lei4
English tired ; exhausted ; worn out ; to toil

CEDict 100318
Traditional 年久失修 Simplified 年久失修
Pinyin nian2 jiu3 shi1 xiu1
English worn down by years of non-repair

CEDict 100318
Traditional 廢舊 Simplified 废旧
Pinyin fei4 jiu4
English worn out ; old fashioned and dilapidated

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin bi4
English my ( polite ) ; poor ; ruined ; shabby ; worn out ; defeated

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin lan4
English soft ; mushy ; well-cooked and soft ; to rot ; to decompose ; rotten ; worn out ; chaotic ; messy ; utterly ; thoroughly

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin qu2
English thin ; emaciated ; worn ; tired

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin po4
English broken ; damaged ; worn out ; to break , split or cleave ; to get rid of ; to destroy ; to break with ; to defeat ; to capture (a city etc ) ; to expose the truth of

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin jiu4
English old ; opposite : new ; former ; worn ( with age )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 身心交病 Simplified 身心交病
Pinyin shen1 xin1 jiao1 bing4
English worn out in body and soul ( idiom )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 身心交瘁 Simplified 身心交瘁
Pinyin shen1 xin1 jiao1 cui4
English worn out in body and soul ( idiom )

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin cui4
Variant , haggard
English worn out

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin nu2
English worn out old horses

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin tai2
English tired ; worn out horse

CEDict 100318
Traditional 麻花 Simplified 麻花
Pinyin ma2 hua1
English fried dough twist ( crisp snack food made by deep-frying plaited dough ) ; worn out or worn smooth ( of clothes )

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin qu2 Reading On Reading Kun やせ .る Reading Korean gu
Meaning thin ; emaciated ; worn ; tired

Unicode 12.1
Character 𡮦 Definition worn out , spoiled
Pinyin cáo

JMdict 200217
Reading グダグダ ; ぐだぐだ ; クタクタ ; くたくた ; グタグタ ; ぐたぐた
Translation dut zeurend ; zeurderig ; zanikend ; zemelachtig Translation hun aszott ; elhervadt ; elszáradt ; fonnyadt ; hervadt ; kiaszott ; kísérteties ; kókadt ; lankadt ; letűnt ; meghiúsult ; ráncos ; semmivé lett ; semmivé vált ; kimerült ; kifáradt ; kiürült ; fáradt Translation slv izčrpan ; pošvedran Translation spa agotado ; muerto ( de cansancio ) ; agotado ; rendido ; hecho polvo ; desvencijado ; hecho trizas ; hecho fosfatina ; hecho papilla
Translation eng tediously ; repetitively ; wordily ; exhausted ; tired ; withered ; worn out ; boiling until shapeless or mushy Translation ger k.o ; kaputt ; fertig ; todmüde ; hundemüde ; abgetragen ; aus der Form ; lustlos ; nachlässig ; immer wieder ; dauernd ; ständig wiederholend ; k.o ; kaputt ; fertig ; todmüde ; hundemüde ; abgetragen ; aus der Form Translation fre être à plat ; être épuisé Translation rus ( ономат .) ; 1): くたくた疲れる устать до последней степени , дойти до полного изнеможения , вымотаться ; 2): 汗でカラーがくたくたになった воротничок промок от пота ; 3): くたくた煮る разваривать , вываривать ; мягкий , разваренный ; ( ономат .:) ; мягкий , разваренный {~の} ; размякнуть , стать полужидким {~になる}
Crossref くどくど

JMdict 200217

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin qu2 Reading On Reading Kun やせ .る Reading Korean gu
Meaning thin ; emaciated ; worn ; tired

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 勞倦 Simplified 劳倦
Pinyin lao2 juan4
English exhausted ; worn out

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 勞累 Simplified 劳累
Pinyin lao2 lei4
English tired ; exhausted ; worn out ; to toil

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin bi4
English my ( polite ) ; poor ; ruined ; shabby ; worn out ; defeated

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin lan4
English soft ; mushy ; well-cooked and soft ; to rot ; to decompose ; rotten ; worn out ; chaotic ; messy ; utterly ; thoroughly ; crappy ; bad

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 身心交病 Simplified 身心交病
Pinyin shen1 xin1 jiao1 bing4
English worn out in body and soul ( idiom )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 身心交瘁 Simplified 身心交瘁
Pinyin shen1 xin1 jiao1 cui4
English worn out in body and soul ( idiom )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin nu2
English worn out old horses

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin tai2
English tired ; worn out horse

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 麻花 Simplified 麻花
Pinyin ma2 hua1
English fried dough twist ( crisp snack food made by deep-frying plaited dough ) ; worn out or worn smooth ( of clothes )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 貼身 Simplified 贴身
Pinyin tie1 shen1
English worn next to the skin ; close-fitting ; personal ( servant etc )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin jiu4
English old ; opposite : new ; former ; worn ( with age )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin po4
English broken ; damaged ; worn out ; lousy ; rotten ; to break , split or cleave ; to get rid of ; to destroy ; to break with ; to defeat ; to capture (a city etc ) ; to expose the truth of

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin qu2
English thin ; emaciated ; worn ; tired

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 廢舊 Simplified 废旧
Pinyin fei4 jiu4
English worn out ; old-fashioned and dilapidated

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 倦怠 Simplified 倦怠
Pinyin juan4 dai4
English worn out ; exhausted ; dispirited

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 人困馬乏 Simplified 人困马乏
Pinyin ren2 kun4 ma3 fa2
English riders tired and horses weary ( idiom ) ; worn out ; exhausted ; spent ; fatigued

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 古扇
Reading ふるおうぎ
Translation eng old fan ; worn out fan

JMdict 200217
Reading おぞい
Translation eng crude ; inferior grade ; worn ; ragged ; shameful ; sly ; clever ; disgusting ; repulsive ; absurd

JMnedict 100319
Reading ヴェルナー Romaji Worner

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