JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 枯れ枝 ; 枯枝
Reading かれえだ
Translation eng dead branch ( or twig , etc .) ; withered branch Translation ger dürrer Ast ; vertrockneter Ast ; toter Ast Translation rus сухая ветка

JMdict 100319
Word 立ち枯れ
Reading たちがれ
Translation eng blighted ; withered Translation ger Eingehen ; Verdorren

JMdict 100319
Word 枯れ草 ; 枯草 ; かれ草
Reading かれくさ ; こそう
Translation eng dry grass ; dead grass ; hay ; withered grass Translation ger dürres Gras ; vertrocknetes Gras ; Heu

JMdict 100319
Word 枯れ枯れ
Reading かれがれ
Translation eng dry-looking ; withered

JMdict 100319
Word 枯れ尾花 ; 枯尾花
Reading かれおばな
Translation eng withered silver grass

CEDict 100318
Traditional 乾枯 Simplified 干枯
Pinyin gan1 ku1
English withered ; dried up

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin diao1
English withered

CEDict 100318
Traditional 凋零 Simplified 凋零
Pinyin diao1 ling2
English withered ; wilted ; to wither ; to fade ; to decay

CEDict 100318
Traditional 枯乾 Simplified 枯干
Pinyin ku1 gan1
English withered

CEDict 100318
Traditional 枯朽 Simplified 枯朽
Pinyin ku1 xiu3
English withered and rotten

CEDict 100318
Traditional 枯槁 Simplified 枯槁
Pinyin ku1 gao3
English withered ; haggard ; languid ; without energy

CEDict 100318
Traditional 枯草 Simplified 枯草
Pinyin ku1 cao3
English withered grass ; dry grass

CEDict 100318
Traditional 枯萎 Simplified 枯萎
Pinyin ku1 wei3
English to wilt ; to wither ; wilted ; withered ; drained ; enervated ; exhausted

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin bi3
English grain not fully grown ; husks ; withered grain ; unripe grain

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin yu1
English to wither ; dried leaves ; faded ; withered

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin wei1
English spiritless ; withered

CEDict 100318
Traditional 零落 Simplified 零落
Pinyin ling2 luo4
English withered and fallen ; scattered ; sporadic

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin nian1 Reading On エン ; オン Reading Kun しぼ .む
Meaning withered ; faded ; decayed ; calm

JMdict 200217
Reading グダグダ ; ぐだぐだ ; クタクタ ; くたくた ; グタグタ ; ぐたぐた
Translation dut zeurend ; zeurderig ; zanikend ; zemelachtig Translation hun aszott ; elhervadt ; elszáradt ; fonnyadt ; hervadt ; kiaszott ; kísérteties ; kókadt ; lankadt ; letűnt ; meghiúsult ; ráncos ; semmivé lett ; semmivé vált ; kimerült ; kifáradt ; kiürült ; fáradt Translation slv izčrpan ; pošvedran Translation spa agotado ; muerto ( de cansancio ) ; agotado ; rendido ; hecho polvo ; desvencijado ; hecho trizas ; hecho fosfatina ; hecho papilla
Translation eng tediously ; repetitively ; wordily ; exhausted ; tired ; withered ; worn out ; boiling until shapeless or mushy Translation ger k.o ; kaputt ; fertig ; todmüde ; hundemüde ; abgetragen ; aus der Form ; lustlos ; nachlässig ; immer wieder ; dauernd ; ständig wiederholend ; k.o ; kaputt ; fertig ; todmüde ; hundemüde ; abgetragen ; aus der Form Translation fre être à plat ; être épuisé Translation rus ( ономат .) ; 1): くたくた疲れる устать до последней степени , дойти до полного изнеможения , вымотаться ; 2): 汗でカラーがくたくたになった воротничок промок от пота ; 3): くたくた煮る разваривать , вываривать ; мягкий , разваренный ; ( ономат .:) ; мягкий , разваренный {~の} ; размякнуть , стать полужидким {~になる}
Crossref くどくど

JMdict 200217
Word 枯れ枝 ; 枯枝
Reading かれえだ
Translation spa rama seca
Translation eng dead branch ( or twig , etc .) ; withered branch Translation ger dürrer Ast ; vertrockneter Ast ; toter Ast Translation rus сухая ветка ; сухие ( засохшие ) ветки

JMdict 200217
Word 枯れ野 ; 枯野
Reading かれの
Translation eng desolate field ; withered field Translation ger dürres Feld ; ödes Feld ; Einöde ; Wildnis Translation rus сухое ( засохшее ) поле

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 立ち枯れ
Reading たちがれ
Translation hun kiégett ; lankadt
Translation eng blighted ; withered Translation ger Eingehen ; Verdorren ( während die Pflanze steht )

JMdict 200217

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin nian1 Reading On エン ; オン Reading Kun しぼ .む
Meaning withered ; faded ; decayed ; calm

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 乾枯 Simplified 干枯
Pinyin gan1 ku1
English withered ; dried up

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin diao1
English withered

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 凋零 Simplified 凋零
Pinyin diao1 ling2
English withered ; wilted ; to wither ; to fade ; to decay

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 枯乾 Simplified 枯干
Pinyin ku1 gan1
English withered

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 枯朽 Simplified 枯朽
Pinyin ku1 xiu3
English withered and rotten

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 枯槁 Simplified 枯槁
Pinyin ku1 gao3
English withered ; haggard ; languid ; without energy

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 枯草 Simplified 枯草
Pinyin ku1 cao3
English withered grass ; dry grass

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 枯萎 Simplified 枯萎
Pinyin ku1 wei3
English to wilt ; to wither ; wilted ; withered ; drained ; enervated ; exhausted

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 枯葉 Simplified 枯叶
Pinyin ku1 ye4
English dead leaf ; withered leaf

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin bi3
English grain not fully grown ; husks ; withered grain ; unripe grain

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin xiu1
Variant [ xiu1 ]
English dried meat ; private teacher's remuneration ; withered

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin yu1
English to wither ; dried leaves ; faded ; withered

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ling2
English withered ( plant , herb etc )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 零落 Simplified 零落
Pinyin ling2 luo4
English withered and fallen ; scattered ; sporadic

JMdict 200217
Word 枯れ枯れ
Reading かれがれ
Translation eng dry-looking ; withered Translation rus : {~の} засохший , увядший

JMdict 200217
Word 枯れ尾花 ; 枯尾花
Reading かれおばな
Translation eng withered silver grass Translation ger vertrocknetes Stielblütengras Translation rus ( поэт . см .) かれすすき

JMdict 200217
Word 枯葦 ; 枯蘆
Reading かれあし
Translation eng withered reeds ( esp . reeds that have withered in the winter )

JMdict 200217
Word 枯菊
Reading かれぎく
Translation eng withered chrysanthemum in winter

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition withered , faded , decayed ; calm
Pinyin YAN1 NIAN1 YAN4 Jyutping jin1 On EN ON Kun SHIBOMU

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition withered , dried-up ; cloth coffin-lid cover
Pinyin dūn

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition withered , faded , decayed ; calm
Pinyin niān Jyutping jin1 On EN ON Kun SHIBOMU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition withered ; dry , calamity ; disaster , ( ancient form ) sin ; crime ; guilt
Jyutping fu1

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