Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ragged clothing , ragged ; old and wear out
Pinyin BI4 Jyutping bai6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ragged clothes , left over ; remainder , the excess ; the surplus , to cut out ( of silk fabrics ) as a design
Pinyin XUE3 Jyutping syut3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ragged garments or clothing
Pinyin SA4

JMdict 100319
Reading ずたずた
Translation eng torn ; ragged Translation ger in kleinen Fetzen ; in kleinen Stücken

JMdict 100319
Reading おぞい
Translation eng crude ; inferior grade ; worn ; ragged ; shameful ; sly ; clever ; disgusting ; repulsive ; absurd

CEDict 100318
Traditional 凋敝 Simplified 凋敝
Pinyin diao1 bi4
English impoverished ; destitute ; hard ; depressed ( of business ) ; tattered ; ragged

CEDict 100318
Traditional 參差 Simplified 参差
Pinyin cen1 ci1
English uneven ; jagged ; snaggletooth ; ragged ; serrated

CEDict 100318
Traditional 破爛 Simplified 破烂
Pinyin po4 lan4
English ragged

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin lan2
English ragged garments

CEDict 100318
Traditional 襤褸 Simplified 褴褛
Pinyin lan2 lu :3
English ragged ; shabby

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin die1 Reading On チョウ ; ジョウ Reading Kun かさねごろも Reading Korean cheob
Meaning dirty ; ragged ; undress ; to treat with irreverence

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bi4
Meaning ragged clothing ; ragged ; old and wear out

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xue3
Meaning ragged clothes ; left over ; remainder ; the excess ; the surplus ; to cut out ( of silk fabrics ) as a design

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ragged clothing , ragged ; old and wear out
Pinyin Jyutping bai6

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ragged clothes , left over ; remainder , the excess ; the surplus , to cut out ( of silk fabrics ) as a design
Pinyin xiè Jyutping syut3

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ragged garments or clothing

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin die1 Reading On チョウ ; ジョウ Reading Kun かさねごろも Reading Korean cheob
Meaning dirty ; ragged ; undress ; to treat with irreverence

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin bi4
Meaning ragged clothing ; ragged ; old and wear out

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin xue3
Meaning ragged clothes ; left over ; remainder ; the excess ; the surplus ; to cut out ( of silk fabrics ) as a design

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 凋敝 Simplified 凋敝
Pinyin diao1 bi4
English impoverished ; destitute ; hard ; depressed ( of business ) ; tattered ; ragged

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 參差 Simplified 参差
Pinyin cen1 ci1
English uneven ; jagged ; snaggletooth ; ragged ; serrated

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 破爛 Simplified 破烂
Pinyin po4 lan4
English worn-out ; rotten ; dilapidated ; tattered ; ragged ; rubbish ; junk

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin lan2
English ragged garments

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 襤褸 Simplified 褴褛
Pinyin lan2 lu :3
English ragged ; shabby

JMdict 200217
Reading ラギッド
Translation eng rugged ; ragged

JMdict 200217
Reading おぞい
Translation eng crude ; inferior grade ; worn ; ragged ; shameful ; sly ; clever ; disgusting ; repulsive ; absurd

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ragged , tattered , threadbare
Pinyin BAO3 LAN2 Jyutping laam4
Traditional U+8964 Variant U+8913

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ragged , tattered , threadbare
Pinyin LAN2 Jyutping laam4 On RAN Kun BORO Hangul Korean LAM
Simplified U+8934 Variant U+F924

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ragged , tattered , threadbare
Hangul Korean NAM
Variant U+8964 Variant U+8964

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ragged , tattered , threadbare
Pinyin lán Jyutping laam4
Traditional U+8964 Variant U+8913

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ragged , tattered , threadbare
Pinyin lán Jyutping laam4 On RAN Kun BORO Hangul :0 : 0N Korean LAM
Simplified U+8934 Variant U+F924

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ragged , tattered , threadbare
Hangul :0 Korean NAM
Variant U+8964 Variant U+8964

JMdict 100319
Reading もしゃもしゃ
Translation eng shaggy ; scraggly ; bushy ; disheveled ; dishevelled ; unkempt ; tousled ; raggedy Translation ger zottig ; buschig ; ungekämmt

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