Unicode 5.2
Character Definition net ; web ; network , net for catching rabbit
Pinyin DI3 Jyutping dai1
KangXi 0947.150

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition block of wood ; blockhead ; stupid
Pinyin TAO2 DAO3 Jyutping to4 tou4 On TOU Kun KIRIKABU OROKA TSUKU Hangul Korean TO
Simplified U+68BC
Dae Jaweon, 1988 0947.150
IRG Dae Jaweon 0947.150

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition block of wood ; blockhead ; stupid
Pinyin táo Jyutping to4 tou4 On TOU Kun KIRIKABU OROKA TSUKU Hangul : 1N Korean TO
Simplified U+68BC
Dae Jaweon, 1988 0947.150
IRG Dae Jaweon 0947.150

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition net ; web ; network , net for catching rabbit
Pinyin Jyutping dai1
KangXi 0947.150

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