Unicode 5.2
Character Definition stubborn , obstinate , intransigent ; firm
Pinyin JUE2 JUE4 Jyutping gwat6 On KUTSU Kun TSUYOI Hangul Korean KWUL
CNS 11643-1986 1-5432 CNS 11643-1992 1-5432 IRG Taiwan 1-5432

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition circle ; round , circular ; complete
Pinyin YUAN2 Jyutping jyun4 On EN Kun MARUI Hangul Korean WEN Tang *hyuɛn Viet viên
Simplified U+5706 Variant U+570E
IRG PRC and Singapore 1-5432

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition upright , honorable , honest
Pinyin LIAN2 Jyutping lim4 On REN Kun KADO YASUI Hangul Korean LYEM Tang liɛm Viet liêm
Variant U+F9A2
IRG Vietnam 1-5432

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the woof of a woven item
Pinyin KE4 Jyutping kaak1 On KAKU KYAKU Kun NUU
Simplified U+7F02
IRG Japan 1-5432

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition stubborn , obstinate , intransigent ; firm
Pinyin jué Jyutping gwat6 On KUTSU Kun TSUYOI Hangul : 1N Korean KWUL
CNS 11643-1986 1-5432 CNS 11643-1992 1-5432

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