Unicode 5.2
Character Definition swing , brandish , flourish
Pinyin LUN1 LUN2 Jyutping leon4 On RON RIN Kun ERABU Hangul Korean LYUN
Simplified U+62A1
CNS 11643-1986 1-5A65 CNS 11643-1992 1-5A65 IRG Taiwan 1-5A65

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition c
Pinyin ZUI1 On SAI Kun FUSHI Viet chuối
IRG Vietnam 1-5A65

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition betel pepper ; Amorphaphalus konjac
Pinyin JU3 Jyutping geoi2 lau1 On KON KU Hangul Korean KWU
IRG South Korea 1-5A65

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the common intestinal worms , the tape-worm
Pinyin HUI2 Jyutping wui5 On KAI GAI Kun KAICHIYUU
IRG Japan 1-5A65

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition swing , brandish , flourish
Pinyin lūn Jyutping leon4 On RON RIN Kun ERABU Hangul : 1N Korean LYUN
Simplified U+62A1
CNS 11643-1986 1-5A65 CNS 11643-1992 1-5A65

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