Unicode 5.2
Character Definition out-of-the-way , remote ; unorthodox
Pinyin PI4 Jyutping pik1 On HEKI HI HEI Kun HIGAMU Hangul Korean PYEK PHI Tang pek piɛk
CNS 11643-1986 1-6C22 CNS 11643-1992 1-6C22 IRG Taiwan 1-6C22

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition memorandum , official note
Pinyin JIAN1 Jyutping zin1 On SEN Kun FUDA Hangul Korean CEN Tang tzen Viet tiên
Variant U+7B8B
IRG South Korea 1-6C22

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition class , group , kind , category
Pinyin LEI4 LI4 Jyutping leoi6 On RUI RAI Kun TAGUI Hangul Korean LYU Tang luì Viet loại
Simplified U+7C7B Variant U+F9D0
IRG Vietnam 1-6C22

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a bird resembling the crane
Pinyin KUN1 On KON UN Kun SHAMO Hangul Korean KON
Simplified U+9E4D
IRG Japan 1-6C22

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition out-of-the-way , remote ; unorthodox
Pinyin Jyutping pik1 On HEKI HI HEI Kun HIGAMU Hangul : 0N Korean PYEK PHI Tang pek piɛk
CNS 11643-1986 1-6C22 CNS 11643-1992 1-6C22

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