Unicode 5.2
Character Definition hemp seeds ; plant with abundant
Pinyin FEN2 Jyutping fan4 fan5 On HUN BUN HAN BON Kun SHIGERU Hangul Korean PWUN
CNS 11643-1986 2-5969 CNS 11643-1992 2-5969 IRG Taiwan 2-5969

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition edible amaranth ; straw basket
Pinyin KUI4 KUAI4 Jyutping gwai6 On KAI KE KI GI Kun ARERU
Simplified U+8489
IRG South Korea 2-5969

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition hemp seeds ; plant with abundant
Pinyin fén Jyutping fan4 fan5 On FUN BUN HAN BON Kun SHIGERU Hangul : 1N Korean PWUN
CNS 11643-1986 2-5969 CNS 11643-1992 2-5969

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