Unicode 12.1
Character Definition take leave of , bid farewell
Pinyin jué Jyutping kyut3
Traditional U+8A23
kTGH 2013 : 562

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition farm tool
Pinyin tāng Jyutping tong2

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ancient musical instrument
Pinyin áo Jyutping ngou4 ngou6

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition precious jade
Pinyin yáo Jyutping jiu4 On YOU Kun TAMA Korean YO Tang iɛu
Traditional U+7464

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a kind of jade
Pinyin táng Jyutping tong4 On TOU DOU Kun TAMA Hangul : 1N Korean TANG

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition mastiff , large fierce dog
Pinyin áo Jyutping ngou1 ngou4 On GOU Kun INU Hangul : 0N Korean O Viet ngao

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition meet or see unexpectedly
Pinyin gòu Jyutping gau3
Traditional U+89AF

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition do evil in secret ; evil , vice
Pinyin Jyutping nik1 tik1 On TOKU Kun WARUI Hangul : 0N Korean THUK

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a widow
Pinyin Jyutping lei4 On RI Kun YAMOME Hangul : 1N Korean LI

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition sheath , scabbard , bow case
Pinyin tāo Jyutping tou1
Traditional U+97DC

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition cloudy sky ; dark , obscure
Pinyin ài On AI
Variant U+9749

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