Unicode 5.2
Character Definition narrow ; contracted , quickly ; fast ; hasty ; soon ; promptly
Pinyin XIE4 Jyutping haai6
IRG PRC and Singapore 3-3248

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition white color , ( corrupted form of ) the calf of the legs
Jyutping fei1
IRG Vietnam 3-3248

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to blame ; to reproach , to punish , to throw ; to cast , ( same as ) to pile ; a heap
Jyutping deoi1
IRG South Korea 3-3248

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin HU2
CNS 11643-1992 3-3248 IRG Taiwan 3-3248

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin Hangul :N
CNS 11643-1992 3-3248

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