Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pick up with fork or pincers
Pinyin REN4 Kun SATE Hangul Korean IN Viet nhấn

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition thumb ; big toe
Pinyin MU3 Jyutping mou5 On BO BOU Kun OYAYUBI Hangul Korean MWU
Four-Corner Code 5705.0

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition pick up with fork or pincers
Pinyin rèn Jyutping jan6 Kun SATE Hangul :1 Korean IN Viet nhấn

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition thumb ; big toe
Pinyin Jyutping mou5 On BO BOU Kun OYAYUBI Hangul : 0N Korean MWU
Four-Corner Code 5705.0

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