Unicode 5.2
Character 𢳂 Definition ( Cant .) to scoop up , ladle out
Jyutping bat1 pat1
Big5 HK Supplementary Character Set 8A69 IRG Hong Kong SAR 8A69

Unicode 5.2
Character 𩦂
KPS 10721-2000 8A69

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition poetry ; poem , verse , ode
Pinyin SHI1 Jyutping si1 On SHI Kun KARAUTA Hangul Korean SI Tang *shiə Viet thi
Simplified U+8BD7
Unicode Code Point 8A69

Unicode 12.1
Character 𢳂 Definition ( Cant .) to scoop up , ladle out
Pinyin piē Jyutping bat1 pat1
Big5 HK Supplementary Character Set 8A69

Unicode 12.1
Character 𩦂
Pinyin xián
KPS 10721-2000 8A69

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition poetry ; poem , verse , ode
Pinyin shī Jyutping si1 On SHI Kun KARAUTA Hangul : 0E Korean SI Tang *shiə Viet thi
Simplified U+8BD7
Unicode Code Point 8A69

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