JMdict 100319
Word 高所恐怖症
Reading こうしょきょうふしょう
Translation eng fear of heights ; acrophobia Translation ger {Med .} Höhenangst ; Höhenphobie ; Akrophobie Translation fre peur du vide ; vertige

JMdict 200217
Word 高所恐怖症
Reading こうしょきょうふしょう
Translation dut hoogtevrees {psych .} ; acrofobie ; hypsofobie ; dinofobie
Translation eng fear of heights ; acrophobia Translation ger Höhenangst ; Höhenphobie ; Akrophobie Translation fre peur du vide ; vertige

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 懼高症 Simplified 惧高症
Pinyin ju4 gao1 zheng4
Deutsch Akrophobie ( Höhenangst ) (S, Med )

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 懼高症 Simplified 惧高症
Pinyin ju4 gao1 zheng4
Deutsch Akrophobie ( Höhenangst ) (u.E.) (S, Med )

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