Unicode 5.2
Character Definition potassium kalium
Pinyin JIA3 HE2 GE2 Jyutping gaap3 On KOU KYOU GOU Kun YOROI KARYUUMU Hangul Korean KAP
Simplified U+94BE
Cangjie Input Code CWL

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition potassium kalium
Pinyin jiǎ Jyutping gaap3 On KOU KYOU GOU Kun YOROI KARYUUMU Hangul : 0N Korean KAP
Simplified U+94BE
Cangjie Input Code CWL

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin YU2 Hangul Korean WU

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin Hangul : 1N Korean WU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition farm tools ; agricultural implements ; a tool used to till the lands ; a spade or shovel
Jyutping gwaan1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition farm tools ; agricultural implements ; a tool used to till the lands ; a spade or shovel
Pinyin guān Jyutping gwaan1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition gong
Pinyin LUO2 Jyutping lo4 On RA Kun DORA Hangul Korean LA Viet la
Simplified U+9523

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition gong
Pinyin luó Jyutping lo4 On RA Kun DORA Hangul : 1N Korean LA Viet la
Simplified U+9523

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bracelet , armband ; small bell
Pinyin ZHUO2 SHU3 Jyutping zuk6 On TAKU DAKU SHOKU ZOKU Kun HURIGANE Viet đục
Simplified U+956F

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition bracelet , armband ; small bell
Pinyin zhuó Jyutping zuk6 On TAKU DAKU SHOKU ZOKU Kun HURIGANE Viet đục
Simplified U+956F

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bell ; surname
Pinyin DUO2 Jyutping dok6 On TAKU Kun SUZU Hangul Korean THAK Viet đạc
Simplified U+94CE Variant U+922C

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition bell ; surname
Pinyin duó Jyutping dok6 On TAKU Kun SUZU Hangul : 0N Korean THAK Viet đạc
Simplified U+94CE Variant U+922C

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin GANG1

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin gāng Jyutping gong3 Hangul :N

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition gong
Pinyin LUO2 Jyutping lo4
Traditional U+947C

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition gong
Pinyin luó Jyutping lo4
Traditional U+947C

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a farm tool to crush the clod of earth into pieces and make the land flat , a big iron stick , to till lands ; to plough ; to cultivate ; to harrow
Pinyin BA4 BAI4 Jyutping baa6

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a farm tool to crush the clod of earth into pieces and make the land flat , a big iron stick , to till lands ; to plough ; to cultivate ; to harrow
Pinyin bēi Jyutping baa6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition metal ring ; measure of currency
Pinyin HUAN2 Jyutping waan4 On KAN Kun WA Hangul Korean HWAN Tang *huan
Simplified U+956E

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition metal ring ; measure of currency
Pinyin huán Jyutping waan4 On KAN Kun WA Hangul : 1N Korean HWAN Tang *huan
Simplified U+956E

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