Unicode 5.2
Character Definition mysterious , obscure , profound
Pinyin AO4 YU4 Jyutping ou3 On OU OKU IKU Kun OKU KUMA Hangul Korean O WUK Tang qɑ̀u Viet áo
Simplified U+5965
KPS 9566-97 F9D4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition stoppage of the nose to speak with a nasal twang
Pinyin NANG4 Jyutping nong6 nung6
Big5 F9D4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition normal human relationships
Hangul Korean YUN
Variant U+502B Variant U+502B
Unicode Code Point F9D4

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition mysterious , obscure , profound
Pinyin ào Jyutping ou3 On OU OKU IKU Kun OKU KUMA Hangul : 0N Korean O WUK Tang qɑ̀u Viet áo
Simplified U+5965
KPS 9566-97 F9D4

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition stoppage of the nose to speak with a nasal twang
Pinyin nàng Jyutping nong6 nung6
Big5 F9D4

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition normal human relationships
Hangul :0 Korean YUN
Variant U+502B Variant U+502B
Unicode Code Point F9D4

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