Unicode 5.2
Character Definition an error ; a blunder , to cheat ; to swindle ; to defraud , confused ; deceit ; to deceive
Pinyin KUANG2 Jyutping gwong2 kwong4
Cangjie Input Code KGP

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition spots , moles ; birthmark
Pinyin ZHI4 Jyutping zi3 On SHI Kun HOKURO AZA Hangul Korean CI
Cangjie Input Code KGP

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition an error ; a blunder , to cheat ; to swindle ; to defraud , confused ; deceit ; to deceive
Pinyin guàng Jyutping gwong2 kwong4
Cangjie Input Code KGP

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition spots , moles ; birthmark
Pinyin zhì Jyutping zi3 On SHI Kun HOKURO AZA Hangul : 1N Korean CI
Cangjie Input Code KGP

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