Unicode 5.2
Character Definition raise the head to look ; look up to , rely on , admire
Pinyin YANG3 YANG4 ANG2 Jyutping joeng5 ngong5 On GYOU KOU Kun AOGU OOSE AORU Hangul Korean ANG Tang *ngiɑ̌ng ngiɑ̌ng Viet ngưỡng
IRG North Korea KP0-F7D8

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition raise the head to look ; look up to , rely on , admire
Pinyin yǎng Jyutping joeng5 ngong5 On GYOU KOU Kun AOGU OOSE AORU Hangul : 0E Korean ANG Tang *ngiɑ̌ng ngiɑ̌ng Viet ngưỡng
IRG North Korea KP0-F7D8

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