HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 天台宗 Simplified 天台宗
Pinyin tian1 tai2 zong1
Deutsch Schule des Lotos-Sutra (u.E.) (S, Buddh ) ; Tendai-shū (u.E.) (S, Buddh ) ; Tiantai Zong (u.E.) (S, Buddh )

JMdict 200217
Word 天台宗
Reading てんだいしゅう
Translation dut Tendai-boeddhisme
Translation eng Tendai sect ( of Buddhism ) Translation ger Tendai-shū ; Tendai-Sekte ( beruft sich insbes . auf das Lotos-Sūtra ) Translation rus ( буд .) секта Тэндай

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 天台宗 Simplified 天台宗
Pinyin tian1 tai2 zong1
Deutsch Schule des Lotos-Sutra (S, Buddh ) ; Tendai-shū (S, Buddh ) ; Tiantai Zong (S, Buddh )

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