JMdict 100319
Word 洗濯物
Reading せんたくもの
Translation eng clothes to be washed ; the washing Translation ger Wäsche ; Schmutzwäsche ; Wäschestück Translation fre lessive ; linge à laver Translation rus бельё для стирки

JMdict 200217
Word 洗濯物
Reading せんたくもの
Translation dut was ; wasgoed ; ± bleekgoed Translation slv ( umazano ) perilo Translation spa colada ; ropa para lavar
Translation eng laundry ; the washing Translation ger Wäsche ; Wäschestück ; schmutzige Wäsche ; Schmutzwäsche Translation fre lessive ; linge à laver Translation rus бельё и платья , подлежащие стирке

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