JMdict 100319
Word 着雪
Reading ちゃくせつ
Translation eng accretion of snow Translation ger Anhäufung von Schnee ; (z.B. auf Ästen od . elektr . Leitungen )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 吸積 Simplified 吸积
Pinyin xi1 ji1
English accretion

JMdict 200217
Word 着雪
Reading ちゃくせつ
Translation eng accretion of snow ( on power lines , tree branches , etc .) ; snow sticking to surfaces Translation ger Anhäufung von Schnee (z.B. auf Ästen od . elektr . Leitungen )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 吸積 Simplified 吸积
Pinyin xi1 ji1
English accretion

JMdict 200217
Word 付着物
Reading ふちゃくぶつ
Translation dut aangroei ; aangroeisel
Translation eng attached matter ; attached substances ; accretion ; incrustation Translation ger Angelagertes ; Anhaftendes

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