JMdict 200217
Word 後頭部
Reading こうとうぶ
Translation dut achterhoofd {anat .} ; achterneut {gew .} Translation swe bakhuvud
Translation eng back of head Translation ger Hinterkopf ; Hinterhaupt ; Okzipitalregion ; Regio occipitalis Translation fre occiput ( partie postérieure de la tête ) Translation rus затылок

JMdict 200217
Word 後頭
Reading こうとう
Translation dut achterhoofd {anat .} ; achterneut {gew .} Translation spa nuca ; cogote
Translation eng back of the head ; occiput Translation ger Hinterkopf ; Hinterhaupt ; Okzipitalregion ; Regio occipitalis Translation rus затылок

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