KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ya2 Reading On ガ ; ゲ Reading Kun きば ; は Reading Korean a Reading Korean
Meaning tusk ; fang ; tusk radical ( no . 92 ) Meaning fr croc ; défense ; radical défense d'ivoire ( no . 92 ) Meaning es colmillo

JMdict 200217
Reading きば ; き
Translation dut slagtand ; stoottand ; dolktand {猪の} ; houwer {jachtt .} Translation hun agyar ; karom Translation spa colmillo
Translation eng tusk ; fang Translation ger Fang ; Fangzahn ; Stoßzahn ; Eckzahn ; Hauer Translation rus клык ; бивень

JMdict 200217
Word 犬歯
Reading けんし
Translation dut hondstand {anat .} ; hoektand ; oogtand ; haaktand ; achtertand Translation spa colmillo
Translation eng eyetooth ; cuspid ; canine ( tooth ) ; dogtooth Translation ger Eckzahn ; Dens caninus ; Augenzahn ( beim Oberkiefer ) ; Fangzahn ( bei Raubtieren ) ; Fang Translation fre canine Translation rus клык ( животного )
Crossref 糸切り歯

JMdict 200217
Word 糸切り歯 ; 糸切歯
Reading いときりば
Translation dut hoektand {anat .} ; haaktand ; oogtand ; hondstand ; achtertand Translation spa colmillo ; diente canino
Translation eng canine tooth Translation ger Eckzahn ; Kaninus Translation rus глазной зуб , клык верхней челюсти
Crossref 犬歯

JMdict 200217
Word 歯の根
Reading はのね
Translation hun karom ; méregfog ; tépőfog Translation spa raíz de un diente ; colmillo
Translation eng root of a tooth ; fang Translation ger Zahnwurzel

JMdict 200217
Word 歯根
Reading しこん
Translation dut tandwortel ; wortel van een tand Translation hun karom ; méregfog ; tépőfog Translation spa raíz de un diente ; colmillo
Translation eng root of a tooth ; fang Translation ger Zahnwurzel Translation rus корень зуба

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin ya2 Reading On ガ ; ゲ Reading Kun きば ; は Reading Korean a Reading Korean
Meaning tusk ; fang ; tusk radical ( no . 92 ) Meaning fr croc ; défense ; radical défense d'ivoire ( no . 92 ) Meaning es colmillo

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