JMdict 100319
Word 結膜
Reading けつまく
Translation eng conjunctiva ( eye ) Translation ger {Anat .} Bindehaut Translation fre conjonctive ( partie de l'œil )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 結膜 Simplified 结膜
Pinyin jie2 mo2
English conjunctiva ( membrane surrounding the eyeball )

JMdict 200217
Word 結膜
Reading けつまく
Translation dut bindvlies {anat .} ; conjunctiva
Translation eng conjunctiva ( eye ) Translation ger Bindehaut ; Konjunktiva ; Conjunktiva ; Tunica conjunctiva Translation fre conjonctive ( partie de l'œil )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 結膜 Simplified 结膜
Pinyin jie2 mo2
English conjunctiva ( membrane surrounding the eyeball )

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