JMdict 100319
Reading とろ
Translation eng fatty , more expensive tuna meat Translation ger {Kochk .} Toro ; fettiges Thunfischfleisch ; {Kochk .} Tororo-jiro ; ( Abk .)

JMdict 100319
Word 脂肪油
Reading しぼうゆ
Translation eng fatty oil Translation ger fettiges Öl

JMdict 200217
Reading とろ ; トロ
Translation dut smeue moot tonijn {cul .}
Translation eng fatty cut ( esp . of tuna belly ) Translation ger Toro ; fettiges Thunfischfleisch ; Tororo-jiro ( Abk .) Translation rus ( разг .) ; 1) жирное мясо тунца ; 2) ( см .) とろろじる ; ( прост . см .) トロッコ

JMdict 200217
Word 脂肪油
Reading しぼうゆ
Translation eng fatty oil Translation ger fettiges Öl

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