Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as standard form ) ripening of paddy or rice ; a harvest , a year
Pinyin NIE4 REN3 Jyutping naam5

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition fish ; still ; ( Cant .) thoroughly soaked ; a deep sleep
Pinyin NIAN3 SHEN3 NA4 NIAN4 LIAN3 Jyutping naam5 nam4 nam6 sam2 On DEN DAN NEN AN ON Kun NIGORU

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( same as standard form ) ripening of paddy or rice ; a harvest , a year
Pinyin niè Jyutping naam5

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition fish ; still ; ( Cant .) thoroughly soaked ; a deep sleep
Pinyin niǎn Jyutping naam5 nam4 nam6 sam2 On DEN DAN NEN AN ON Kun NIGORU

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