Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a long mountain ridge , steep ; lofty mountain
Pinyin TUO3 Jyutping to5

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition general term of a kind of fish , a snake-like fish
Pinyin WEI4 Jyutping to5 waai3
Simplified U+9CDA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition fry ( of fish ), crab , get rid of the scales of a fish
Pinyin TUO3 Jyutping to5

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition satisfactory , appropriate
Pinyin TUO3 Jyutping to5 On DA TA Kun YASUI ODAYAKA Hangul Korean THA Tang tuɑ̌ Viet thoả

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin TUO3 Jyutping to5 On TA Kun MIMEYOI UTSUKUSHII

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition oval-shaped , elliptical , tubular
Pinyin TUO3 Jyutping to5
Traditional U+6A62

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition oval-shaped , elliptical , tubular
Pinyin TUO3 DUO3 Jyutping to5 On DA Kun KOBANGA Hangul Korean THA
Simplified U+692D Variant U+6955

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition general term of a kind of fish , a snake-like fish
Pinyin WEI4 Jyutping to5 waai3
Traditional U+4C81

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a long mountain ridge , steep ; lofty mountain
Pinyin tuǒ Jyutping to5

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition general term of a kind of fish , a snake-like fish
Pinyin wèi Jyutping to5 waai3
Simplified U+9CDA

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition fry ( of fish ), crab , get rid of the scales of a fish
Pinyin duò Jyutping to5

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition satisfactory , appropriate
Pinyin tuǒ Jyutping to5 On DA TA Kun YASUI ODAYAKA Hangul : 0E Korean THA Tang tuɑ̌ Viet thoả

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin tuǒ Jyutping to5 On TA Kun MIMEYOI UTSUKUSHII

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition oval-shaped , elliptical , tubular
Pinyin tuǒ Jyutping to5
Traditional U+6A62

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition oval-shaped , elliptical , tubular
Pinyin tuǒ Jyutping to5 On DA Kun NUKU Hangul : 0N Korean THA
Variant U+6A62

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition oval-shaped , elliptical , tubular
Pinyin tuǒ Jyutping to5 On DA Kun KOBANGA Hangul : 1N Korean THA
Simplified U+692D Variant U+6955

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition general term of a kind of fish , a snake-like fish
Pinyin wèi Jyutping to5 waai3
Traditional U+4C81

Records 1 - 17 of 17 retrieved in 126 ms